I get questions about my hair all the time, how do I keep it so healthy? How did I grow it so long? What are your tips for growing hair?
So here’s some of my top tips for growing long healthy hair!
1. Use Less Heat
Ever since ruining my hair a while ago I’ve tried to use as little heat on it as possible. During lockdown I’ve used no heat on it at all! Instead I’ve used the dressing gown trick – I’ve linked my IGTV tutorial here.
Heat causes hair damage so the less heat you use = the less damage to your hair.
2. Use Heat Protection
If your set on using heat on your hair, use a heat protection spray. There’s so many out there so your bound to find one for your needs. At the moment I’ve got Aussie heat protection, not only does it smell fab it keeps your hair protected from heat damage. You can find other heat protection here.
3. Use Products That Make Your Hair Feel Good
Lee Stafford hair growth mask is one of my FAVES for growing hair. It works miracles. Even now my hair is long I still use this mask as it keeps my hair in the best condition.
Find out what your hair needs, is it moisture? Repairing? Colour care? Once you know get products that are for that concern, your hair will thank you later.
You can read about the products I swear by for growing long healthy hair here.
4. Wash Your Hair Less
If you wash your hair every day it will strip all of those natural essential hair oils from your hair, which will make it harder for tour hair to stay in the shape it needs to be in to grow long and strong. Try and cut it down to washing every 2/3 days rather than every day.

5. Have Regular Trims
I’m a bit on the fence about this one. I don’t necessarily have ‘regular’ trims But I do have my hair trimmed when it feels like the ends need a little bit off. I go on how my hair feels rather than how many weeks its been since my last haircut.
6. Use Leave In Products
After every wash I always use some sort of leave in product. You can read what I use here. But if what suits your hair is some Moroccan oil or a leave in conditioner, use it! It will help keep your hair in good condition.
7. Ditch The Hair Extensions.
Yes I know many of you want to tell me to do one.
But honestly listen to me here.
I used hair extensions ALOT when I was younger. honestly I think it has a logo do with ruining it in the first place.
But try and not wear them, they can damage your own hair so much, trust me I’ve been there, got the T-shirt. If you are going to wear them, please either wear clip ins and take them out properly or have them done by a trained professional.
Do your research around what ones are less damaging to your hair.
8. Dye It Less
Dying your hair damages it. Its as simple as that. Coming from someone who has dyed their hair more times than I can count. I know that the more you dye it, the worse its going to feel.
I learnt my lesson the hard way after changing colours that many times in a row my hair ended up green. After getting it fixed I then I had to have it all cut off to collar bone length because it was so damaged.
I now only dye my roots when I need to and don’t really mess about with it otherwise. Its still possible to go really light or a different colour without damaging your hair too much. If you’re going to dye it, don’t do it too often, stick to a colour you know you like or get your hairdresser to pop some Olaplex in the dye, it’ll do your hair a world of good. Or even better use a temporary dye – they don’t do any damage at all.
9. Olaplex
If your hair is super damaged and feels like straw I can not recommend Olaplex enough. I SWEAR by this stuff. so much so that I actually have a stand alone treatment every time I go for a haircut. Plus I use the Olaplex no.3 at home between cuts.
Olaplex is unlike any treatment I’ve ever had. it repairs the bonds in tour hair. Leaving your hair feeling amazingly sleek and soft. Its fairly pricey but I assure you its worth the money. You can shop the Olaplex range here.
10. Time
Give it time, my hair took years to grow out to the length it is today. There’s no quick over night fix. Taking care of your hair and giving it time to grow are the best things you can do for your hair.
Overall the best way to help your hair grow is to look after it. Keep it in the best condition you can. Because when it does start to grow quite long it will need the extra care.
Are there any tips that you swear by to help your hair grow and to keep your hair healthy? Let me know in the comments!
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