Body Positivity And Self Love

Hey Lovelies, so this post is something a little different and honestly i'm not sure why I've never wrote about it before now. I've seen so much about it lately, both positive and negative - I'm talking about being body positive and loving yourself.

Now I'm not the prettiest, skinniest, or most toned girl out there - who am I kidding I never will be! (Pizza is life!). But nor do I want to be, I'm finally pretty happy with all of my flaws, in fact I embrace them, they make me, well me after all.

We've all been there at some point haven't we? You look in the mirror and your not happy with something or all of what you see - from a hair out of place, to feeling too big or too small, to the clothes you've put on just don't look right. As humans we fixate on the negatives. When in fact we should be focusing on the positives - what we love about ourselves, what we think looks great no matter how small, not the opposite away around.

Before you say it, I'm well aware getting into that mentality is not as easy as snapping your fingers, but its doable. You just have to believe in yourself in a way, big yourself up instead of putting yourself down.

No matter your size or shape everyone deserves to love the body they're in. So I wanted to share some of the tips and tricks I use to stay (well try to stay) positive about my body and love myself!


Talk To Someone

Be it a friend, therapist or family member talking about how your feeling in general is a great help. Talk to any of my friends and they'll tell you that i'm always looking to them for support (not in a needy way obviously (okay well maybe sometimes haha), from feeling as though i'm not good enough to the simplest of things like an opinion on an outfit i'm not 100% sure on. It's nice to have that little bit of reassurance, especially if your feeling unsure or insecure about something. At the end of the day your girls should be your biggest fans, they're there to support you and tell you when your being downright silly for thinking that your not enough. Which you are - don't ever think that you aren't!

At the end of the day talking helps, it helps you get things off your chest, sometimes you realise as soon as you've said 'why did I even think that' before someone else can say it to you.

Make Time For Some 'Me Time'

This is something I think is super important when it comes to self love. Making some time just for you, be it something as simple as a good book, a bubble bath or a glass of wine. It gives you time just for yourself, to relax and just enjoy your own company and connect with yourself. I think most people I know don't actually take the time out for themselves.

Taking care of your mind and body is a really good way to feel connected to yourself. It helps you realise how amazing you actually are just the way you are.

At the end of the day not only does your body need it from time to time, so does your mind.

Stop Comparing

We've all done it (myself included), your scrolling through social media looking at all those happy photos and you start to compare your life to someone else's. But what we forget is that people only show you what they want you to see, everything you see may not be as it seems.

Next time your feel yourself starting to compare anything to someone or something else, remember that its not as good as it seems, your comparing your worst parts to possibly some of the best of others. Don't concentrate on the negative, instead remind yourself that you're amazing just the way you are.


Remember That Everyone Is Different

I've found myself before thinking why don't I look like her? Why don't I have a body like that? when really why would I want to look like her? Or have someone else's body? Everyone's different and unique and if we weren't what a boring world it would be wouldn't it? You just need to remember that nobody is you and that's why you are so incredibly amazing.

Your body is yours, every stretch mark, every scar, every little wobbly bit of it and its working every day to keep you fit and healthy. I think that's pretty amazing. So why would you want to change it? Embrace who you are, Its the only body you get after all.

Ignore What Society And What The Media Tells You To Be

I've said it before and i'll say it again everybody is different. I think that it is absolutely disgusting that the media and society tells us what we should be. Its horrible to see people tearing each other down because 'shes too big' or 'shes too small'. It's judgemental and cruel, instead of the media telling us we should change, they should be supporting women of all shapes and sizes.

We should be nothing but ourselves and we shouldn't be judged or have to apologise for it. No matter your size or shape you are beautiful.

You should be unapologeticly yourself and be proud of it.

I cannot wait to see the day where its normal for those of all shapes and sizes to love themselves, to be confident enough in themselves to share that bikini photo or outfit shot and feel happy and proud of how they look.

At the end of the day you only have the one body, be proud of it, love it because its perfect, correction you are prefect just the way you are.

If nobody has told you today - YOU are beautiful and amazing in your very own way. You are and always will be good enough don't let anyone tell you any different!

Do you have any ways to stay body positive and love yourself? I'd love to hear from you!



  1. 7th April 2018 / 12:17 pm

    What an amazing and beautifully presented post, you are so right, why todays’s society is like it is, is beyond me, it is a me, me,me one and it sadness me.
    WE all compare and it is difficult not to, but i am starting to learn that i am enough and so are you!

    • Rachel
      9th April 2018 / 4:20 pm

      Why thank you sweetie! Your definitely right, we are all enough just the way we are and we all deserve to know that too!

  2. Kimberly
    7th April 2018 / 4:18 pm

    Beautifully written!

  3. 7th April 2018 / 4:49 pm

    I love this post! We all need to step back and remember that we are not perfect and that nobody is or ever will be. I am a boudoir photographer and I strive to help woman feel good about themselves. I tell them they can be completely clothed and still look and feel sexy. Every client I have ever had as left their session feeling good about themselves and thanking me for helping them to see that.

    • Rachel
      9th April 2018 / 4:19 pm

      Aw thanks for the feedback lovely! It sounds like you have the prefect job to help women love themselves!

    • Rachel
      9th April 2018 / 4:18 pm

      Thanks Doll, glad you enjoyed it!xx

  4. tylerbelle
    15th May 2018 / 1:49 am

    This is so important for everyone person to read and know. I struggled for the longest time with self love. And I had to remind myself daily, that I was my own person and there wasn’t anyone like me. Thank you for showing people how to love themselves ❤️❤️

    • Rachel
      25th May 2018 / 2:23 pm

      I’m so glad you enjoyed the post lovely! It’s such a hard thing to do but it doesn’t need to be, we all deserve to love ourselves! And your right nobody is like you and that’s what makes you so amazing! Your welcome ☺️?

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